The Softmax Function and Multinomial Logistic Regression

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In this post, we will introduce the softmax function and discuss how it can help us in a logistic regression analysis setting with more than two classes. This is known as multinomial logistic regression and should not be confused with multiple logistic regression which describes a scenario with multiple predictors.

What is the Softmax Function?

In the sigmoid function, you have a probability threshold of 0.5. Those observations with a probability below that threshold go into class A. Those with a probability above the threshold go into class B. Accordingly, you are limited to a prediction between two classes.

In multiple logistic regression we want to classify based on more than two classes.

Multiple logistic regression
Multiple logistic regression decision boundary

To be able to classic between more than two classes, you need a function that returns a probability value for every class. The sum of all probabilities needs to sum to one. The softmax function suits these requirements.

Softmax Function Formula

softmax(z) = \frac{e^{z(i)}}{\sum^k_{j=0} e^{z(j)}}

where z is a vector of inputs with length equivalent to the number of classes k.

Let’s do an example with the softmax function by plugging in a vector of numbers to get a better intuition for how it works.

z = [1,3,4,7]

If we want to calculate the probability for the second entry, which is 3, we plug our desired values into the formula

softmax(z_2) = \frac{e^3}{e^1+e^3+e^4+e^7} = 0.017

Applying the softmax function to all values in z gives us the following vector which sums to 1:

softmax(z) = [0.002, 0.017, 0.047, 0.934]

As you see, the last entry has an associated probability of more than 90%. In a classification setting, you would assign your observation to the last class.

Multinomial Logistic Regression

You perform multinomial logistic regression by creating a regression model of the form

z = \beta^tx

and applying the softmax function to it:

\hat y = softmax( \beta^tx)

Multinomial Logistic Regression Loss Function

The loss function in a multiple logistic regression model takes the general form

Cost(\beta) = -\sum_{i=j}^k y_j log(\hat y_j)

with y being the vector of actual outputs. Since we are dealing with a classification problem, y is a so called one-hot vector. This means all positions in the vector are 0. Only the entry representing the class that the observations falls into is 1.

Let’s illustrate this with an example:

Suppose you want to classify fruits into one of three categories and the actual fruit is a banana. For the sake of simplicity, we will only look at one observation. The vector y would look like this:

y = 

You have some data that you train your logistic regression model on and it returns the following prediction vector of probabilities.

\hat y = 

Now, we plug this into our cost function:

Cost(\beta) = -(0 \times log(0.2) + 1 \times log(0.7) + 0 \times log(0.1)) 

A very convenient feature of this function is that due to their entries in y being 0 all terms that do not relate to the actual true class will disappear:

Cost(\beta) = -log(0.7) = 0.36

This function effectively serves the purpose of minimizing the cost. The larger the probability y_hat associated with the true probability, the smaller the cost.

To find the gradient we take the first derivative of the cost with respect to every entry β_j in β. The derivative is quite simple. It turns out to be

\frac{\partial Cost(\beta)}{\partial \beta_j} = \hat y - y

Finally, we can apply gradient descent to iteratively minimize the cost multiplied by a learning rate α.

Cost(\beta) = Cost(\beta) - \alpha \frac{\partial Cost(\beta)}{\partial \beta_j} 

That’s it, we now know how to perform multiclass classification with logistic regression. Next, we’ll look at an implementation of logistic regression in Python.

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